Wednesday, February 14, 2007

>_<Hey guys
Waz up?
What do you guys think of the Pearl? What is the similarity between The Old Man and the Sea and The Pearl?

I don't really like it but I guess it's OK.
Well they both have to do with the see, and I guess they both want to gain luck and when they aventually get luck they don't want to let it go so it causes then to fall into problems.
How about you?



BIG DUDE said...

the Old man and the sea and the Pearl are related with sea...
and also old man loses the Money(marlin) and Kino loses the Money (pearl)...

Sacha said...

Cool. Thanx

Chan said...

Well, I think that both of them are very very very very very very very very very very very very very very lucky and both unlucky...


Chan said...

Well, ne similarity that I suggest is that both of them are trying to gain something. They are really trying, and they earn it, but then they lose it which stinks.

In the Christmas Carol, I think that the Ghosts are weird. I think that in the Pearl, we will have to start doing that glossary...

I mean I think that it is really weird...


I think that doing the glossary is really annoying, I think that the word would be irksome...


Anyway, what do you think Sach???


Heat Seeker said...

One simularity is that the main characters in those two books both have boats.

Ahgrat Ukmar

Sacha said...

Very very very very very very very very very very very very very very irksome. I haven't even thought of starting yet but I guess I'd better start soon. Darn.



Chan said...

Oh, I see, but I don't understand why we should be doing the glossary>??<


Sacha said...

Cool identification MK.

Did you read the Red Pony?

Sacha said...

I know, wordly wise is enough already. Don't ya think??

I'd lets make a protest against Mrs. Koning. Get all our class to make posters and march up and down the hall saying "NO WOCAB WORK. WE WANT PEACE!!" Would'nt that be fun? Just kidding.

Chan said...

Yeah, that would be ok...

I think that you should have a title for your post though...


BIG DUDE said...

In the Pearl he find it and gets it right away...
in the old man and the sea he gets it in 5 days!!!
he drags it on and on!!!

Anonymous said...

irksome what a word
I like it

But we are never suposed to use wordly wise out side of wordly wise

Sacha said...

Ya and name it The turn on Mrs. Koning. Mua ha ha.